Department of Clinical Surgery, Head of the Department
Address: 2/6 Lubliana St., Georgia-Israel Clinic "Gidmedi"
Education/Academic Degrees:
1974-1980 - TSMU, Faculty of Medicine
1984 - Candidate of Medical Sciences
1992 - Doctor of Medicine
2006-present - Full Professor - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Professional Activity:
2011 – present - Georgia-Israel Joint Clinic “GIDMEDI” – Head of Surgical Service
2016-2017 - Chairman of Mukhadze Society of Surgeons of Georgia
2003 – 2011 Gudushauri National Medical Center - Head of Surgical Clinic
1996 - 2003 - Tbilisi Institute of Surgery - Head of II Surgical Clinic
1987 - 1996 - Tbilisi Institute of Surgery - Senior Assistant (Department of Surgery)
1986 - 1987 - Tbilisi Institute of Surgery - Junior Assistant (Department of Surgery)
1984 - 1986 - Tbilisi Institute of Surgery - Doctor at ICU
1980 - 1984 - Tbilisi State Postgraduate Institute of Physicians - Research Fellow
1977 - 1980 - Clinic of Tbilisi State Postgraduate Institute of Physicians - Doctor,s Assistant at ICU
Membership of professional associations:
- Membership of TSU Academic Council (2006-2010)
- Member of N. Pirogov International Association of Surgeons Moscow (Russia) - 1992
- President of the Georgian Section of the International College of Surgeons - 1998
- Certificate of Member of the New York Academy of Sciences - 2000
- Member of the European Society of Surgeons - 2001
- Member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery - 2001
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Magazine Ann.Ital.Chir.”(Bologna,Italy) - 2009
- Member of the American College of Surgeons - 2012
- Member of the European Society of Oncologists - 2016
- Chairman of the Mukhadze Georgian Society of Surgeons - 2016-2017
Scientific and other awards:
- State Order of Honor of Georgian Republic
- Memorial Bronze Medal of Mukhadze Tbilisi Surgical Society
- Certificate of the Best Surgeon of Georgia of 2006 year
- Honorary Citizen of Batumi
- Best Lecturer of Medicine – GIMPHA
- 100 Anniversary Jubilee Medal of TSU
Important Publications:
Author of more than 180 scientific papers, 3 monographs;
- Modified Lichtenshtein hernioplasty prevents male infertility - “Ann. Ital. Chir.,” - Vol.80, N4, 2009, pp.305-309.
- Случай успешного ушивания проникающей раны сердца - “Georgian Medical News” № 4 (169) Апрель 2009, с.15-17.
- Treatment of postoperative esophageal leak by active drainage procedure (case report) - “Georgian Medical News” № 1 (178) Январь 2010, с.11-14.
- Surgical Services and Transformation of Civil Hospital During “August War 2008” in Georgia - “International Surgery” -Vol.96,N1,2011,pp.1-5.
- Роль селективной проксимальной ваготомии при лапароскопической фундопликации по Тупе-«Эндоскопическая хирургия»,№3,2011,с.24-26
- Современные аспекты хирургического лечения гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни:наш опыт и обзор литературы - “Georgian Medical News” № 10 (199) Октябрь 2011, с.7-13.
- The actin binding protein destrin is associated with growth and perineural invasion of pancreatic cancer - “Pancreatology”-12 (4),2012, pp.350-357.
- Pancreatoduodenectomy as classic and pylorus-preserving variant: single center experience - “Georgian Medical News”№ 4 (229) Апрель 2014,с.7-10.
- Атензионная герниопластика: современные вопросы,проблемы и перспективы(обзор) - “Georgian Medical News” № 7-8 (232-233) Июль -Август 2014,с.7-12.
- A comparative study of laparos- copic and open Nissen fundopli cation for GERD in Georgia - “Ann.Ital.Chir.,”– Vol.85, N 6, 2014, pp.551-555.
- Морфологические особенности герниопластики (экспериментальное исследование) - “Georgian Medical News” № 5 (254) Май 2016,с.73-81.
- Клиническая оценка эффективности применения новой антисептической сетки - “Georgian Medical News”№ 12 (261) Декабрь 2016,с.7-11.
- Perspectives of using of “aseptic” drains for abdominal drainage - “Ann.Ital.Chir.,” 2017, V.88, N.1: pp.39-42.
- Miniinvasive surgical interventions in management of cholelithiasis: A retrospective study - “Ann.Ital.Chir.,” 2017, V.88, N.2: pp.170-177.
- Hernioplasty with new antiseptic polymeric biocomposite meshes - “Translantional and Clinical Medicine-Georgian Medical Journal” Vol.3,N1,2018,pp. 17-19.
- Эффективность применения новой антисептической сетки: Экспeриментально-клиническоe исследование - ,, Аллергология и иммунология,, Т19, №1, 2018, с.12-15. Москва, “Медицина”
- Using of novel double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy technique with transanastomotic stenting and external pancreatic duct drainage:Preliminary report - “Georgian Medical News”№ 12 (285) Декабрь 2018,с.12-16.
- A Three-dimensional scaffold from decellularized human umbilical artery for bile duct reconstruction - “Ann Ital Chir.” 2019, V.90, N2: pp.165-173.
- Textiloma:28 years of foreign body mimicking pancrerastic mass - “Ann Ital Chir.” 2019,8 pii: S2239253X19029992 -Epub, February 18,pp.1-3.
- Efficacy of percutaneous biliary and pancreatic duct drainage/stenting with double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenectomy - “Ann Ital Chir.” 2019,V.90, N 5: pp.467-473.
- Neoadjuvant Treatment for Resectable, Stage IIIA Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Cancer Therapy & Oncology International Journal, Volume 17 Issue 5 - January 2021 DOI: 10.19080/CTOIJ.2021.17.555973
Lecturer of the following subjects: Surgery 1, Surgery 2